Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Surfing Criteria

The Internets needs more pics of Kelly.

"A surfer must perform radical controlled maneuvers in the critical section of a wave with Speed, Power and Flow to maximize scoring potential. Innovative / Progressive surfing as well as Variety of Repertoire (maneuvers), will be taken into consideration when rewarding points for waves ridden. The surfer who executes this criteria with the maximum Degree of Difficulty and Commitment on the waves shall be rewarded with the higher scores."

-From The Eastern Surfing Association's Judge's Course.


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  4. judging 'art' is difficult. the playing field is not static and how does one define 'style?' that said, michel has a way more pleasing approach than neco anyday of the week.

  5. Agreed, 12 gazillion percent subjective.
